Saturday, October 16, 2010

The sights and sounds of August 2010 - parts 1 & 2

The last two weeks of August were exciting for us as a family. Vienne slept A LOT, but also spent quite a bit of time awake, visually checking out her new digs, while in the comforting arms of her momma and daddy. Danielle and I gradually became more at ease taking care of Vienne. Holding her & carrying her around, slowly became second nature.

Vienne weighed about 7 lbs. 15 oz. at birth, but the following week, she dropped 13% of her body weight as she went down to 6 lbs. 6 oz. While it wasn't cause for alarm per se, we wanted to be sure that she didn't lose anymore, so we began to supplement her regular breast feedings with formula - first trying soy, then moving onto regular formula after weeks of scary, 'Exorcist' style, projectile spit-ups! In the days before transitioning to a bottle, we fed Vienne's formula to her via a syringe.

Along the way over her first few weeks of life, Vienne met several new friends: Tilly and Bucha, her brother and sister of the dog world; her new "roomie" Courtney; plus future playmates Ari and Lilah and their momma, Naomi, a good friend of Danielle's.

The week after her birth, I got a fancy new job at my alma matter, Portland State University, so unfortunately, I had to miss most of Vienne's daily routine. But it is those missed times that make me appreciate my evenings and weekends with my two special girls, that much more. Due to a daycare SNAFU, Danielle was unable to return to her full-time job, but all's well that ends well, because now, Danielle is able to spend the day with Vienne, giving her the love and snuggles that only a momma can give. The only downside is that now we are trying to make it on only one income source, but Danielle is hot-to-trot to get her eco-friendly cleaning business, 'Mommy and Me Cleaning' and doggy raincoat & sweater business, 'Scraps 4 Tilly', off the ground in order to bring in supplemental income, but also provide a creative outlet for her.

As we coasted into September, we were amazed at how fast Vienne was growing right before our eyes and at how fast the days pass. Is it really September 1st? Has it really been 2 weeks since her birth? Yup, it is and has!!! Wow, time flies when we are having the times of our lives as first time parents!!



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