Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Off to Grandmother's (and Granddad's) house we go! (PART 1)

During the second weekend of October, we packed up the family truckster and headed down south to Salem, Oregon for a weekend of snuggling and kisses with Vienne's two sets of Oregon grandparents: Grandma Susan & Granddad Jim and Grammy Chris & Grammy Cindy!

Vienne was beside herself with excitement, but frankly, she gets beside herself with excitement at the drop of a hat. She's a two month old infant, that's what they do.

We started off at Grandma Susan and Granddad Jim's house in Keizer and on Saturday, we had a wonderful lunch and visit with Great Grandpa and Grandma Jim and Jean!! Jean was dying to hold Vienne and it was quite touching to watch.

Saturday night and Sunday was spent with the two C-squared Grammies: Chris and Cindy. It was pretty low-key: delish enchilada dinner, football watching, naps and a pleasant walk around the neighborhood with Grammy Chris, and the two pups, Lucy and Max. We saw many cool Halloween decorations in the neighborhood.

All-in-all, it was a fun time had by everyone, but boy was it exhausting! To not only lug around all Vienne's "gear" such as diaper bag, playpen, toys, bottles and formula, extra clothes, etc., etc. but also keep track of our two puppies and our own clothes and toiletries, by the end, we needed a vacation from the vacation!!!


MUSIC: Don't Worry Baby by The Beach Boys

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