Sunday, July 12, 2015

Evolution of bike riding part 1

See Vienne ride a bike. Sort of. It took her a while to get warmed up, which she can't be faulted for since she's get a later start in life with bike riding. Same as potty training. And learning her ABCs. But one thing about Vienne, even though she may arrive late to the party, she's eventually the life of that same party. See the other bike riding videos below to see her evolution of bike riding skill.

Evolution of bike riding part 2

Ok, Vienne is starting to get the hang of it. It may be hard to see with the grainy quality of the video, but she's at the park and you can barely see her in the distance at the start of the video, but just keep watching for the payoff.

Evolution of bike riding part 3

Now, Vienne is a freakin' bike ridin' pro!