Saturday, February 26, 2011

February, Part 2!!

For a description of February events, see part 1 below.

Oh my, what a busy February!

Below are but a sprinkling of videos to show how busy of a month February has been for Vienne. She has grown up by leaps and bounds more this month than any other in her short life.

Oh gosh, lets see if I can remember it all: many "Skypings" with Grammy and Nana; her first taste of swimming - at the salt water soaking pool; absolutely loving adult food (avocado, broccoli, fruit, oatmeal) and getting it all over her hands and face; finally getting her tummy up off the floor so that she can rock back and forth on her knees, followed a week later by her sitting up on her own;
laughing out loud at Tilly the dog or something silly on the computer; visiting Dr. Chris for her 6 months check up and when it was all said and done for the day, sleeping soundly in her mama's arms. ENJOY!! I know we did!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Video Vault: November 2010 Potluck

I found some long lost footage from a potluck held at our house back in November of last year. Seen in the video are our friends Leann and Troy, Teresa, Alison and Ginger.

NOTE: The audio occasionally cuts out...which happens when the zoom is used on our handheld HD video recorder. Repeat: its not you, its us.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekend with the grandparents

Two weekends ago, Vienne spent a fun filled few days in Salem visiting her two sets of grandparents!!

No music on the video this time...and what I love is the funny and odd natural sound in the video (music playing, voices on the television, funny noises Vienne made, things we were all saying throughout the weekend that may sound odd if taken out of context, etc.)

Saturday, February 12, 2011


We bought a snot sucker the other day. What is that you say? Well, click on the video and see for yourself. If you dare....

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby Talk

Nearly every week, Danielle and Vienne hook up with their mommies and babies play group. This week was Danielle's turn to host! Dare I say that Vienne has many baby crushes going on. None more serious than her crush on the camera. And Danielle's lentil soup was delicious!

MUSIC: Baby Talk by Jan and Dean